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Colonic FAQs

colonic FAQ

What’s Gravity Method Colonics?

Welcome to COLONIC FAQ! Colon hydrotherapy is the method of washing out impacted waste and gas from the large intestine with filtered water. Gravity Method Colonics is a system that relies on gravity for the flow of water rather than pressure. The focus in our session is on the out flow rather than the input of water.

What happens during a colon hydrotherapy session at DTX?

Our treatments take place in private, comfortable bathrooms. You will be lying down on a cushioned table with a drape cloth  for your privacy. The Gravity Centered Colonic method means water enters the intestine because the source is located above the level of your body, allowing the water to flow in and out without any mechanical means. The natural peristaltic motion of the colon is prompted once the water enters it. You will not need to push. Simply relax and the therapist will work with the rhythm of your body. The colon hydrotherapist is with you in the room throughout the entire session. The therapist will utilize abdominal massage to assist the flow and momentum of the session.

Do colonics hurt?

No, colonic hydrotherapy treatment should not hurt. As your body releases gas and matter you may feel cramping, but not pain.  Depending on the fullness of your colon, some feel a bit more pressure because of the build up of gas in their body.  As you are relieved of gas and matter you begin to feel lighter and less pressure. Before your hydrotherapy session, follow the dietary suggestions we offer, which will lessen/prevent any discomfort.

How will I feel after the colon hydrotherapy is over?

You should feel a sense of rejuvenation, happiness, lightness, openness, and overall well-being. Increased sense of sight and smell is common. Lower back pain may be alleviated or relieved after one treatment. If you feel less than great (IE: sluggish, sleepy, dizzy, headaches, etc.), this is a sign that your body is releasing toxins (acidity) and is working toward an optimal state of alkalinity. A follow-up session within one week is not too soon.

Can I resume normal activities (ie: work, errands, exercise) after a colonic?

Yes, feel free to go about your day. If you are new to colonics, we suggest you schedule your first couple of sessions allowing plenty of time to stay present with how your body responds.

How do colonics benefit my overall health?

Our experience has shown us that the root of illness is in the colon.  The symptoms may vary, i.e., acne, eczema, sinusitis, depression, fatigue, inflammation, etc, but the root of these issues come from accumulated waste and gas fermenting in your colon.  Do not underestimate the power of cleansing your bowels. By assisting your colon in evacuating waste and gas, you’ll find that you feel lighter, healthier, along with improved energy and skin quality.

Will one colonic get rid of everything?

Hmmm. This is not a quick fix.  Although we’ve had clients shift issues rather quickly with small diet tweaks and colonics, this is a process.  Please give yourself the gift of exploration through this work in tandem with healthy food choices.  Healthy, sexy and hot does take a little maintenance.  But heck, it’s so worth it!

How often should I get colonics?

Frequency depends on the your goals, diet, and health history. Your therapist will be able to answer this question more accurately after the experience of working with you, seeing how your body responds, and hearing your intentions.

Can I receive treatment during my menstrual cycle or if I’m feeling sick?

Yes, it is perfectly fine to get a colonic during any phase of your menstrual cycle. A treatment can also aid in relieving any uncomfortable symptoms that you may encounter monthly. The release of waste and gas can relieve painful pressure, cramping, and bloating, promoting an ease of flow.

If you’re sick or feeling ill, a colonic is one of most effective things you can do to speed your recovery. Symptoms of illness are most often a sign the body is overwhelmed with waste and toxicity, which has not been able to exit through the usual channels of elimination. Removing the burdensome waste and gas will diminish the symptoms and promote healing.

Will a colonic wash out my healthy bacteria

No – cleansing the intestine of putrefied waste and gas will create an environment for healthy bacteria to thrive. Natural food + clean colon = no need to be so concerned about friendly bacteria. It is a good idea to re-hydrate with water and vegetable juice after each colonic. Daily consumption of freshly pressed vegetable juice will help foster the regeneration of your flora over time. As you take care of yourself your body will have the strength to produce what it needs for balance.

Is it good to have a colonic when juice cleansing or eating raw?

Yes, Please!  The cleansing happens when waste is removed.  We’ll repeat that.  The cleansing happens when waste is removed. When you’re juice cleansing or eating more raw foods your body actually begins the process of breaking down accumulated mucous, waste and gas at deeper levels.  Without the removal of this matter you are doing a juice loosening, rather than a juice cleanse.  Imagine getting in the shower and soaping up, and then the water runs out and you’re full of soap.  Sure you could use a towels but it’s not the same as the residue of soap just sits on your skin.  No bueno. Same with a colonic. The juice and raw foods are the soap and the colonic is the rinse.

How do I know that I need a colonic?

  • Constipation
  • Bloated
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling moody
  • Skin issue: Acne, eczema, chronic infection, etc
  • Sugar cravings
  • Weight gain/difficulty balancing or losing weight

What can I do to get rid of painful gas/constipation?

  • Immediately stop eating fruit until your next colonic.
  • Follow favorable food combining principles as best as you can.
  • Brewing fresh ginger tea is helpful: Boil sliced fresh ginger in water for about 10 minutes, and then drink the water.
  • Inverted yoga postures are also helpful: Downward dog, Shoulder stand, Head Stand, and Hand Stand.
  • Walking can help by creating motion in the intestine.
  • Castor Oil Pack: Massage castor oil on your abdomen all the way down to the pelvic region. Wrap yourself in saran wrap, cover yourself, and place a filled hot water bottle on top of your abdomen for 30 – 45 minutes.
  • Breathe throughout a busy day or stressful situations. Stress can cause gas.

Read over our Colonic Benefits & Contraindications for more information. >>

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