A Natural Treatment for Acid Reflux & Constipation
You may be one of the 33% of Americans wondering if Prevacid, Zantac, and Nexium are your only BFF’s or if there really is a natural treatment for acid reflux. In our experience, there is a connection between acid reflux and constipation. When your body doesn’t eliminate well, your system gets backed up and creates pressure upward, toward your diaphragm. Your diaphragm then initiates pressure upward, to your stomach, which releases its acids toward your esophagus! Traffic is now going in reverse! This leads to your acid reflux symptoms. How to find relief? Gravity Method Colonics are a natural treatment for acid reflux. Let us explain:
First let’s address natural vs. unnatural. Colonic hydrotherapy is a natural treatment for your acid reflux. The colonic simply bathes your internal elimination system with filtered water. Taking a cocktail of drugs every day, however, is not addressing the root cause of your acid reflux symptoms. In one colonic session you can relieve your body of enormous amounts of gas pressure and waste that are not moving freely. As your colon empties over time, a lightness occurs and your diaphragm is freed of tightness and pressure that once provoked symptoms like acid reflux, constipation, bloating, etc. Your blood chemistry shifts as you clear toxins from your body that were the root of your acidosis and were causing your terrible twosome of acid reflux and constipation.
Acid Reflux: Constipation Is At The Root
While we understand the medical explanation of indigestion, we believe our perspective on a natural treatment for acid-reflux and constipation will offer you more reliable relief. In our experience, symptoms like acid reflux are the result of constipation and a buildup of acidic residue from very processed foods, cooked oils, dairy, red meat and flour products, in your body. Acid reflux and constipation go hand in hand. Healthy bowel movements should occur 2-3 times a day. If this is not happening then there is a buildup within your system and a natural treatment for acid reflux may be ideal for you. Acid reflux is just one of the many symptoms that you and many others may experience because of a constipated system.
Our Gravity Method Colonics in NYC have helped countless clients heal and live in happier and healthier bodies! Contact us to see what we can do for you!