The Colonic Irrigation Procedure Demystified
Let’s de-mystify the colonic hydrotherapy procedure. Whether you call it a colonic, colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation, the procedure of administering a colonic is simply a bathing of your large intestine with purified water. That’s it! So, if it’s that simple, what’s all the controversy about? Since 2001, we’ve seen offices offering colonic irrigation in NYC double and even triple. Yet, the colonic irrigation procedure remains a mystery for many and taboo in the medical world. Stories circulate about perforated colons, compromised friendly bacteria, reduced electrolytes, and loss of bowel control/dependency. Doctors have placed fear in people when it comes to cleansing from within. Let’s break these rumors down with our colonic hydrotherapy expertise.
1. Perforation
In a Gravity Method Colonic, there is a continuous flow of water, in and out of the body, which means that you’re not being filled up like a balloon. We do allow your colon to partake in retention of water, but this is done after some of the gas and matter has emptied which creates room for sensible supervised retentions. This is colonic therapist administered and not a machine controlled procedure. Why? Because you don’t want a machine forcing water into your colon or any other part of your body. You want a human being there with you that is sensitive to your rhythm and the state of your colon. No instruments are traveling through your colon in the colonic irrigation procedure, only warm, filtered water!
2. Loss of friendly bacteria
Darling please! You think those margaritas, processed foods, and medications aren’t impairing your friendly bacteria? If you like your friends it’s wise to treat them well and they’ll be loving and loyal. Same thing applies to the healthy bacteria in your digestive system. The way to maintain healthy bacteria is to drink and eat nutritious fresh juices and foods, include probiotics, and make sure your bowels are moving and grooving so that waste is not sitting around putrefying, fermenting, and destroying your internal balance and impairing your friendly bacteria. Intestinally speaking, you have to keep the poop moving so your gut can rejuvenate you! Friendly bacteria thrive in a clean colon, not a dirty one.
3. Loss of electrolytes and bowel control or dependency
Simply put, electrolytes are compounds that get transported in a salty fluid to assist electrical impulses, muscle function, hydration, and PH level. Serious stuff! That’s why we remind you to drink water, raw coconut water, and fresh veggie juices, always, and especially right after your colonic irrigation procedure. If your body is impacted with waste and gas then your absorption becomes limited. In all the years of our experience with colonic irrigation, we’ve never seen in ourselves or in our clients a loss of bowel control or dependency. We work with the Gravity Method, which does not weaken your peristalsis. To the contrary, this colonic irrigation method gives your colon a workout, toning and strengthening this vital muscle as the waste matter is alleviated.
Colon Hydrotherapy Treatments in NYC
A colon hydrotherapy treatment is meant to assist your body in removing pollutants that have accumulated from the day to day living of our modern, fast-paced, NYC lifestyle. We are sure you will find that the colonic irrigation procedure at DTX NYC is expertly administered by our skillful, knowledgeable and certified therapists and is synonymous with the best colon hydrotherapy NYC has to offer!