What is Colonic Hydrotherapy?

Did you know there’s an increasing number of people, including Hollywood stars, Beyonce, Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, that are incorporating this ancient holistic practice into their lifestyle on a regular basis? It may surprise you to know that the benefits of colon hydrotherapy are not limited to improved digestion and elimination – the positive effects actually include many other aspects of your health and quality of life.
Most people believe the body can “do it all” on its own. The truth is we’ve been eating processed foods throughout our lives that our digestive tract was not designed to eliminate. Over time residue from these foods accumulate in our bodies causing a host of symptoms and disease. In our experience, the human body houses extraordinary amounts of cellular debris, waste and gas pressure. Not only in the colon but in the tissues, organs and blood. That’s why our clients experience reduced inflammation, improved skin and digestion. We all take the time to wash and rinse our bodies but we tend to forget that our elimination system needs support to cleanse too.
What is colonic hydrotherapy? Simply put, it’s an internal cleanse. In a colonic treatment filtered warm water helps the colon flush impacted matter that has not left the body on its own and is potentially destined to be the cause of a wide range of illnesses.
We want you to understand that any negative health symptoms you experience are typically a direct result of the state of your colon. When matter and gas build up in the colon, symptoms like acne, bloat, sinusitis and many others appear.
There are many opinions about detoxing out there. One thing we know is that there is no cleansing or detoxing without the removal of waste and gas. In our experience of facilitating thousands of colonics, the greatest change, healing and rejuvenation came from incorporating colon hydrotherapy in tandem with a healthy diet. In fact, the removal of waste and gas embodies the very meaning of detoxification.
- Improved Digestion: IE: Reflux
- Improved Elimination: IE: Bloating/Gas/IBS/Constipation
- Reduced Inflammation: IE: Arthritis, Hypo/Hypertension, Hypo/Hyperthyroid, CFS
- Improved Sleep: IE: Insomnia
- Improved Complexion: IE: Acne, Dry Skin, Rashes, Eczema, Hives, etc.
- Improved Circulation & Breathing: Blood Pressure, Asthma, etc.
- Improved Fertility: IE: PMS/painful menstruation, Infertility, (inability to conceive/menstruate)
- Improved Nervous System: IE: depression, anxiety, moodiness, irritability, and impatience
- Improved Senses: See, Hear, Taste, Feel, and Smell with amazing clarity
- Improved Injury Recovery
- Reduced Frequency of Sickness
- Reduced Need For Pharmaceutical Drugs
- Reduced Tumors, Pre-Cancerous & Cancerous Cells
- Removes Toxicity
The benefits of colonics are vast and impressive! So, if you’re seeking that fountain of youth or at least just a healing modality that allows you to experience an amazing lightness of being, joy for living, and that overall clean feeling from the inside out, you may just find that Colonic Hydrotherapy is the missing link to manifesting vibrant and escalating health in your life! If reading has made you curious about Colonics and its benefits, contact us today!